Monday, March 29, 2010

Pessach. Chag Sameach

Jewish Passover involves ceremonies in order for us not to pass over it.

A lot of people say it’s a period of freedom. One might ask: Then, why are there so many rules? We can not eat cereals or any bread. In the ceremonial dinner there are a lot of rules, restrictions, order… The point is: they meant to remember us about the lack of freedom. In order for us to give freedom it’s proper value. We also have to remember that freedom brings the possibility of choosing, and so, brings responsibility. It brings the necessity to learn how to make good choices.

I consider it one of the most important messages of the period. Many times it’s a forgotten one, but it shouldn’t be. Specially now when we have access to almost every peace of information. Good or bad, beautiful or ugly.

It is, indeed, a time of freedom for many of us. But it’s a time to learn how to make good choices. So… what is a good choice? I don’t really think I have a proper answer for that, but I surely believe that good choices are the ones that consider the long term, and consider that the other is a part of myself, some how. We have to be more focused in making this world an amazing place to live, for all of us. Let us hope that, once more, if the sea opens, we might just cross it to meet good friends.

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